

Worship at Good Shepherd

When we gather as a worshiping community, we seek peace with God and with our neighbors. We rejoice in the mystery of God's presence, yet we engage in thoughtful pursuit of meaningful living in our complex world.
*LITURGY is generally understood to be a structured way of worship within a church service, which-at Good Shepherd-would include special prayers and Bible readings, music, colors, and vestments rooted in Scripture for GATHERING, WORD, MEAL and SENDING. These rites will vary from church season to season, as well--i.e., Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, etc., although the four main elements of Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending will continue to be the "underpinnings" of each service throughout the church year.


Invitation to Holy Communion:

We welcome to the Lord's Table all the baptized. Please come to share the meal or to receive a blessing. You may share the Common Cup or individual cups. The inner circle of the tray of individual cups contains grape juice.


We have a style of worship that respects the traditional, meaningful liturgy of our heritage. We make great use of our musical resources to adorn our time of worship and enhance our growth and understanding of God's action in the world. We are a loving community dedicated to care for each other and to have compassion for those in need and to seek justice in the issues of our time.

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